asks whether American Peoples can be saved by WEEMM's 5 Action Learning Networks.WEEMM = Women*Engineers*Educators*Musicians*Mathematicians Awkwardly the nation can't be saved by such broken systems as politics, arms & drugs, lawyers, other top-down admin professions. So Let's simplify : let's assume rest of world's 95.5% of humans don't exist. ! Maths Goats are extremely rare and America has never trained one though in Einstein it hosted the last 25 years of the greatest: in fact the only person whose entire adulthood revealed nations maths had never been understood before 2005 - "moore" ...
.Goats of Maths Einstein - yes Turing probably Neumann No | .Mathematicians don't get concerned with real world scaling (see Einstein), Enginners eg Von Neumann do. At least eo 2012 mathematicians didnt become billionnaires , they just got on with greatest brain exploration. | Von Neumann probably bither at lesst 30 engineering projects -several matter of life or death like whether alies won race to atom bomb. But most important were projects that would give some communitiesd at least 100 tmes moore tech every decade to unite good around. Moores Law being the first demonstable case. Engineers who lead corporations have arguably most difficult job of all - sticking to a trillion dollars purpose advancing humanity getting diluted by all the money men. |
.For humans to survive the problem is not that robots will take over. Ultimately the problem millennials face in being first renewable (or extinction bound) generation is transforming attention of education to teachers and students improving each others intelligences not paper certicaed exams. Equally all 5 of WEMM are pracices that need apprentieship. The first 7 years after becoming literate/numerate are key- can educaion and community encounter each other rather than being separated by the classroom's centuries of examining not interactioning | No proficiency is as clearly about practice as music and when it comes to pop idols and fashio everything is geared to early success and then not losing your mind to mental strains of being world famous. Right now millennilas need first debated India 2004; a budding superpop star needs twin training in at least one life long connection with people wgo serve sdgs.. |
NEWS - Glasgow U to announce june 2023 microeducationsummit- building nations around womens productivity & Sustainability GOATS
1 Reality is even more curious than mediating rational optimism
It starts with women empowered to build 100000 person communities at a time - to be self-sufficient, resilient and as safe for girls as for boys
revolution in aid: mainly with microfranchisee business not grants but where aid partners were found a world class solution was designed so everywhere (and every type of government and media) came to learn for 1 billionwomens development lab. This mattered because there are endeavors like education and changing infrastructure (energy, tech, trade) that needed intergenerationl funding by taxes- cannot be done be private finance bowling alone. Over a generation the world poorest community rising women became inspiration researchers of top-down governments, youth's celebrated storytellers and inspired tech wizards to join in the deepest learning human and tech intel can blend
IT HELPED THAT MACROECONOMISTS HAD GIVEN UP (BANGLADESH 8th MOST POPLULOUS NATUION IS BASKET CASE) and the SERVANT Leader (microfrnachise designer) of this 90% rural nation had bene Asia's leading young oil company engineer (CEO Royal Dutch Shell East Pakistan). In 3 life changing years a cyclone killed a illion people around him; the war of independence killed another million leaving massive village destruction; a famine like no other had begun the nation;s birth. Rice needed to be the first microfranchise; the second microfranchise needed to start building last mile health services to raise life expectancy from 25 below world average.
Back from the 1970s Scaling supply chain for 100000 people microfranchise also meant that women designed the wholesale (value chains) & R&D of national markets that needed to be integrated round development of the poorest. Where this began the poorest village women had to network for 25 yeras without access to electricity. Learning was by word of mouth and once literacy had been gained by practice curriculum the women helped design and teach
By becoming valued as worldwide development lab, from 1996 best partners of village women entrepreneurship brought mobile and solar. Leapfrog models began to emerge - what if you skipped the age of wiring a contient and went straight to satellite coms and solar energy. The women celebrated the new millenniums goals by founding a d=girls university valuing both digital collaboration and deepest trust data of renewing communities in such a way that wherever the next child was born she had a good chance at lofe and livelihood.
The question was partly would enough web-based educators join in the transformation and university alumni share their graduates at least on sdg project innovation. The University was designed to serve multiple development visions:
continue to search for world's best partners integrating progress in poorest villages
offer teens of bangladesh as great a challenge in 2010s as kennedy's space age had offered american teens share 25 collaboration solution 1 billion girls had already found
demonstrate at least 4 solutions that the university could innovate so that female graduates generated 50 million good jobs per research area geared to the most urgent leaps forward needed
If the first (least resourced ) ne millennium university could achieve 4 such collaboration projects - would other better resourced universities join in with at elast 1 50 million good jobs innovation that their girls graduates share with girls alumni of the 2020s in time for the sdgs to be reality not greenwashing> Fazle Abed spent much of his 19 new millennium years debating this with every asian and other ambassador who wanted to explore this education revolution. Abed did not get to see web3 or guterres year of researching old edu not fit for purpose but what will all his 50 years of partners in women building bangladesh do now . Could it be that me-too des mater as much in America as Bangladesh as China as Developong girls and boys everywhere mother earth shines down on human and and artificial intel through the 10 decades of 100 times more tech.
x americans suffer from the same mental disease as the brits - the english mindset-therefore it seems mathematically likely that Americans must adapt or die too the 14 year old adam smith made a fascinating discovery about the english empire mindset in the 1750s the last decade before his compatriot James Watt invented engines the word's number 1 university (and indeed total education systems) - oxford in the 1750s was a monopoly designed for the convenience of profs and bureaucrats to master over people not to value youth 265 years ago ad am smith launched moral sentiments economics the last economic book before engines - and over the first 20 years of engines he argued that wherever engineers went they should share the benefits of engineering as deeply as possible with all the peoples ; just as 265 years later we face the same problem will ai be designed around deep and diverse enough data artifcvials to assists all human intels we know from humanity's second last chance the birth of the united nations in 1945 that 7-11 USA UK CANADA FRANCE GERMANY ITALY .... white empires did exactly the opposite of sharing machines everywhere--in fact the vats majority of 65% of beings in Asia had next to zero access to machine age with Japan the one big exception; Africans not only had no machines for their own continent but were slavery's main compass - the root cause of world war 2 was world trade had been carved up by the white emepires (as well as japan which caught the empire disease when the american navy indicated it would otherwise colonise japan in the late 1800s)- worse for those who saw the war in personality tyerms there was no immediate- one o0f the 2 most evil (or mad depending on which view of despots you parse) men ever to tuled (Hitler or Stalin) would win -nore of history's curveballs.... | - also can you help with glasgow's 265th annual summit for moral economist & educators MES June 2023?
100 ways for 200 countries girls & boys to love & sustain communities and education - We hope to unite 100 ways of announcing this joyful cooperation from North East West South. Here is one way my family knows a little about as alumni of both Adam Smith and 1843 purpose of founding the Economist and development by the Gaots of mathematics of AI as potential saviour of the human race 30 leaps in 1 billion womens productivity & human sustainability from 50 years of Fazle Abed Entrepreneurial Revolution -pdf
in Fall 2017 we did not know our last of 16 meetings was happening with Sir Fazle Abed - in our last conversation he hoped edtech luminaries would continue to support 1billiongirls who for half a century helped a reformed oil company ceo change development of Asia by valuing education as the core of human development -at WRJ we hope Abed would applaud edtech Mr & Ms Metaverses as the race to shapes life everywhere- if you only have time to know of one of abed's top 30 cooperations,
Ironically as fear tv took over usa with assissnations of 2 kennedy's and multiple corageous black mediators, the rest of the world of the 1960s was still happily chatting if americans can land on the moon , so no human advance will be mission impossible: examples around latin america, paulo freire and others voted for franciscan democracies to emerge; according to the genius epidemiologists even in the late 1960s afghan hills hope was multiplying where he was on retreat with the band wavy gravy-but when you read what the mindsets if nixon's economsits were and his valuation of youth as bums - as the lyric said bye bye mis american poie the good news music/culture has died- but was it inevitable that half a century of wars over carbon energy took over from valuing nature and loving each others children; maybe it was but surely here in tehse 2020 8 billion brains can look back - correct mistakes and move forward valuing todays under 35s as first sustainability generation- what else are we parents here for? why on earth is the gift of 100 times more tech still spinning big brithers end game? homo dumbo??