Feb 14, 2012
Cake Day
A place for visual representations of data: Graphs, charts, maps, etc. DataIsBeautiful is for visualizations that effectively convey information. Aesthetics are an important part of information visualization, but pretty pictures are not the aim of this subreddit.
sample from data is beautiful
Comment asc1975222
level 1
Fun fact, William Wrigley bought and wanted to turn Catalina island into the “Monaco of the West Coast” but the beaches and coasts of catalina are too shallow for the giant boats he wanted to be able to dock at the ports. For a while he didn’t know what to do with the island and had the Cubs use it as a practice facility for a while.
Today it’s a great place to day drink and get hammered with the locals
level 2
Also a great place to go see wild (not native but wild) bison left over from a movie in the 1920s, drive golf carts, and scuba dive!
level 3
Oh that sounded way more fun without commas. I'd book a flight right now if I could see bison scuba dive.
level 4
I'm picturing myself sitting at a beach bar when a bison in full scuba gear drives a topless golf cart right into the ocean. Yakety yak playing in the background.
level 5
You know some wacky shit like that has probably been close to happening or has happened.
level 3
I read this comment and decided to look that up, when led me to the Catalina island wikipedia page. The wikipedia page listed all the fauna on Catalina island, which includes feral goats. "What are feral goats?" I asked myself as I decided to learn more. This led to about 15 minutes of learning about various breeds of goats. I thought you would find it funny that your comment led someone to learn about the various breeds of goats.
By then way, google "boer goat". It's a popular breed for meat production because of its higher muscle mass and its ability to breed quickly. I thought they looked pretty cool.
By then way, google "boer goat". It's a popular breed for meat production because of its higher muscle mass and its ability to breed quickly. I thought they looked pretty cool.
level 4
"boer goat"
Boer means farmer in Dutch.
It refers to the Afrikaners who, because of their agricultural background in the colonization of Southern Africa, are also called "Boer".